Weather station: There is a weather station installed on the Airpark. Detailed current weather information including wind, QNH, estimated cloud base, temperature etc can be accessed by app, online or by SMS.
To install the App from your Play Store search for WeatherLink (Davis), and install it, and open the App. You will need to register – this is free and will take a few minutes only. Then use the + Add feature at the top left of the screen to search for FACF ST FRANCIS AIRPARK and add it. And now you can live Wx and forecasts on your phone at anytime. There are many other units that you can add as well for locations that you need using the + search.
For internet access log in at Select the login icon at the top right. Login name: facf Password: stfrancis. To obtain sms data from weather station you can send sms message : vfacf to 36010 . The system will then sms you the current weather conditions.
Web Cam: There are 2 cameras covering the runway, so we can provide accurate information on current conditions on request.
For more information you can contact Barry Culligan on 083 311 3333 or